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High load on web services / Carico elevato sui web services

Jan 09 at 09:41am CET
Affected services
WEB Services Receiving of e-invoices
WEB Services Transmission of e-invoices
WEB Services Provisioning
eFLOW Signature Services
ECM NamirialArchive IT1 Web Portal (

Jan 09 at 04:05pm CET

English version (Italian version follows underneath)

The data flow is back to normal.

Versione in italiano

Il flusso di dati ci risulta tornato alla normale operatività.

Jan 09 at 09:41am CET

English version (Italian version follows underneath)

A high load on the services was found to have degraded their performance. We are investigating the situation in order to resolve it as soon as possible.

Versione in italiano

E' stato rilevato un elevato carico sui servizi che ha degradato le prestazioni degli stessi. Stiamo indagando la situazione per risolverla nel più breve tempo possibile.